Superior Human Histology Slides (set of 100) for MBBS or Histology Slides for MD students (set of 62) required by MCI approved medical Institutes in India Also required by Homeopathic Medical colleges, homeopathy and Ayurvedic Medical Colleges. Unmatched Quality of Human Histology (No Mammals) Microscopic slides imported by Dbios in India is liked by number of Doctors and Professionals . For complete Histology slides and Charts-models visit download section

Histology USA Imported Microscopic Slides 

Set of 100​  Available only in sets

Histology German Imported Microscopic Slides   

Set of 62  Available only in sets

C01 Simple squamous Epithelium sec.

C02 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium sec.

C03 Simple Columna Epithelium sec.

C04 Columna Pseudo strtified cillated epithelium

C05 Stratified squamous Epithelium sec

C06 Transitinl Epethelium sec

C07 Ciliated Epithelium

C08 Epidermis from human mouth

C09 Glandular Epithelium sec

C10 Loose Connective Tissue w.m

C11 Dense Connective Tissue w.m

C12 Adipose Tissues sec.

C13 Hyaline Cartilage sec.

C14 Elastic Cartilage sec.

C15 Fibro Cartilage sec.

C16 Human Chromosome Nonmal Female w.m

C17 Human Chromosome Nonmal Male w.m

C18 Medulla oblongata sec

C19 Red marrow smear

C20 Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation w.m

C21 Blood smear

C22 Hair

C23 Smooth Muscle l.s and c.s

C24 Skeletal Muscle l.s and c.s

C25 Cardiac Muscle sec

C26 Spinal Card l.s and c.s

C27 Sciatic nerve l.s.

C28 Motor neuron w.m

C29 Motor Nerve Endings w.m

C30 Tongue l.s. show filiform papilla

C31 Esophagus sec.

C32 Trachea sec.

C33 Stomach sec.

C34 Stomach fundic portion sec.

C35 Stomach Cardiac Region sec.

C36 Stomach Pyloric Region sec.

C37 Small Intestine c.s

C38 Duodenum sec.

C39 Jejunum sec.

C40 Ileum c.s. show villi and goblet cells

C41 Appendix sec.

C42 Large Intestine sec

C43 Colon sec.

C44 Rectum sec.

C45 Pancreas sec.

C46 Spleen sec.

C47 Liver sec.

C48 Gall Bladder sec

C49 Fat layer

C50 Fibroblast

C51 Nerve cells

C52 Brochiolus

C53 Lung sec

C54 Artery sec

C55 Vein sec

C56 Large artery sec

C57 Large vein sec

C58 Heart l.s.whole

C59 Kidney l.s

C60 Kidney with Blood Vessel Injected sec.

C61 Ureter sec.

C62 Ovary sec.

C63 Placenta Human sec.

C64 Human Sperms smear

C65 Epididymis sec

C66 Prostate Gland Human sec.

C67 Fallopian Tube sec

C68 Penis c.s

C69 Cervix sec.

C70 Thyroid Gland sec

C71 Thymus Gland sec

C72 Mammary gland sec

C73 Adrenal Gland sec

C74 Lymph Node sec

C75 Salivary gland c.s.

C76 Cerebrum sec

C77 Cerebellum sec

C78 Pituitary gland c.s.

C79 Tendon teased c.s.

C80 Eye entail sec

C81 Eyeball sec

C82 Human Skin sec. show Thick Cornifie Layer

C83 Human Skin sec. Through sweat Gland

C84 Human Skinsec. Through Hair Folicle

C85 White fibrous tissue

C86 Mucous tissue ,umbilical cord

C87 Decalcified bone c.s.

C88 Infant developing bone section

C89 Developing membrane bone

C90 Muscle-tendon junction l.s.

C91 Muscle spindle

C92 Nerve bundle

C93 Sympathetic ganglion

C94 Motor cortex section

C95 Sentor cortex

C96 Cerebellar cortex

C97 Palatine tonsil

C98 Thin skin from human palm section

C99 Finger nail section

C100 Stomach -duodenal junction l.s.

HHS01 Adipose Tissue

HHS02 Hyaline Cartilage

HHS03 Elastic Cartilage

HHS04 White Fibro Cartilage

HHS05 Bone T.S.

HHS06 Bone L.S.

HHS07 Skeletal Muscle

HHS08 Smooth Muscle

HHS09 Cardiac Muscle

HHS10 Peripheral Nerve T.S.

HHS11 Peripheral Nerve L.S.

HHS12 Sensory Ganglion

HHS13 Dorsal root ganglion

HHS14 Elastic artery

HHS15 Muscular Artery

HHS16 Large vein

HHS17 Small vein

HHS18 Lymph node

HHS19 Thymus

HHS20 Platine tonsil

HHS21 Spleen

HHS22 Tongue filli form and fungi from


HHS23 Tongue circumvellate papillae

HHS24 Oesophagus

HHS25 Stomach-fundus

HHS26 Stomach-pylorus

HHS27 Duodenum

HHS28 Jejunum

HHS29 Ileum

HHS30 Large Intestine

HHS31 Appendix

HHS32 Liver

HHS33 Gall Bladder

HHS34 Pancreas

HHS35 Salivary Gland-serus

HHS 36 Salivary Gland-mixed

HHS37 Salivary Gland-mucus

HHS38 Trachea

HHS39 Lung

HHS40 Thyroid with para thyroid

HHS41 Pitutary gland

HHS42 Adrenal Gland

HHS43 Kidney

HHS44 Ureter

HHS45 Urinary bladder

HHS46 Testis

HHS47 epididymis

HHS48 Vas deferens

HHS49 Prostate Gland

HHS50 Ovary

HHS51 Uterus

HHS52 Uterine tube

HHS53 Thin Skin

HHS54 Thick Skin

HHS55 Cornea

HHS56 Retina

HHS57 Spinal Cord

HHS58 Cerebrum

HHS59 Cerebellum

HHS60 Placenta

HHS61 Umbilical Cord

HHS62 Mammary Gland