Dbios COMMUNITY POSTERS /SOCIAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE (SPM) Charts are available for Medical , Dental, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Colleges through out the world. These charts are ready in three formats Size : 20″X26″ Laminated & Attached with Strips OR Laminated and Framed on Board OR Big charts 30×40” laminated and attached with rollers . For complete list visit Preventive Social & Medicine (PSM) download section .We are manufacturers of all kind of Educational Posters and Charts. All charts for School, Medical Colleges to Technical Institutes.

Water Treatment and Sanitation Lab

CH 2490  Sedimentation Tank      

CH 2491 Slow sand filter Water

CH 2492 Rapid sand Filter Water

CH 2493  Water purification plant-I ,II,III             

CH 2496  Sewage treatment plant-I,II,III           

Breast Care Charts

BCC 11. Better health through awareness

BCC 12. Risk factor for breast cancer

BCC 13. Warning signs of breast cancer

BCC 14. Breast cancer detection method

BCC 15. Basic BSE method


8310      Thyroid Diseases

9970      The Human Spine-Disorders      

9877      Arthritis-Joint Inflammation

9912      Heart Diseases                 

9915      Cardiovascular Disease

9774      Understanding Bacterial Infections

9767      Hypertension

9798      Understanding-Hypertension

9769      Reno vascular Hypertension

8022      Dermatomes

9979      Migraines & Headaches

9868      Understanding Stroke


9868      Understanding Stroke

9867      Understanding-Epilepsy

9862      Understanding Asthma

9875      Understanding Common Cold

9731      Understanding Ulcers

9992      Understanding Hepatitis

9755      Understanding Diabetes

9754      Understanding Diabetes Type -II

9797      Diseases of the Urinary Tract

9758      Understanding Breast Cancer

9757      Understanding Breast Disease

9977      Understanding Menopause

9881      Understanding Osteoporosis

9864      Understanding Allergies


1.              Amenia.

2.              Rabies.

3.              Sandfly.

4.              Tetanus.

5.              Viruses.

6.              WHO (EPI).

7.              Dengue.

8.              ORS.

9.              Dehydration.

10.           Diarrhoea.

11.           Leprosy.


World Epidemics Charts

  1. Anthrax
  2. Avian flu
  3. Malaria
  4. Small pox
  5. West nipe virus
  6. Botulism
  7. Brucellosis
  8. Cholera
  9. Dengue & yellowfever
  10. Shigella dysenteriae bacteria
  11. Ebola
  12. E.coli
  13. Encephalitis
  14. Hantavirus
  15. H.I.V.

Parasitology Charts

CH 1901  L C Enterobius vermicularis (thread or pin worm)     


CH 1902 L C  Trichuris trichiura (whip worm)

CH 1903 L C  Ascaris lumbricoides (round worm)                 

CH 1904  L C  Ancylostoma duodenale (hook worm)

CH 1905   L C  Strongyloides stercoralis    

CH 1906 L C  Trichinella spiralis

CH 1907   L C  Woucheria bancrofti (filariasis)    

First Aid Charts
6850      Bite (Snake & Animal)
6880      How poisons Affect The Body      

6885      Action In An Emergency      6888      Burns

6900      Poisoning (Drug & Alcohol)

6901      Poisoning (Food Plant and Fungi)

6920      Management of Asthma

6925      Symptoms & signs of acute alcohol poisoning

6950      Types of Wounds      6989      Choking Adult


6990      Choking Child 6991      Choking Infant

SPM Charts

SPM 156.  Sand Fly

SPM 157.  Tsetse Fly

SPM 158.   Louse

SPM 159.  Rat Flea

SPM 160.  Black Flu

SPM 162. Hard tick

SPM 163  Soft Tick

SPM 164. Trombuculid mite

SPM 165.  Itch Mite

SPM 166.Cyclops

SPM 168. Sanitary Well

SPM 170. Deep Well

SPM 172.  Slow Sand Filter

SPM 173.  Rapid Sand Filter

SPM 177.  Bore Hole Laterine         

SPM 179.  Septik Tank Laterine

SPM 180.  Dengu Fever

SPM 181.  Cholera

SPM 182.  Color coding for waste containers

SPM 183.  Biomedical waste

SPM 184.  Categories of Waste


9776    Risk of obesity

9779   Weight  Control

9894.   Keys to Healthy Eating

CH1352.  Daily allowance of Vitamins (Infants, Children, Adolescent, Men, Women)

CH1353.   Daily Allowance of NutrientsCH 1353A   Some Nutrient-rich Foods-I


Dbios Medicine /Community Medicine PIONEER/Scientists are available for Medical , Dental, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Colleges through out the world. These Scientist are ready in three formats Size : 12x 18” OR 20″X26″ Laminated and Framed on Board. For complete list visit download section These are specially designed for Medicine deptt. We are manufacturers of all kind of Educational Posters and Charts. All posters from Medical Colleges to Technical Institutes.


Iswar Chander Vidyasagar

Swami Dayanand

Swami Vivekanand

SB 08.    Aristotle

SP 1.       Hippocrates (460-377B.C.)

SP 11.    Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895)

SP 40.    Charak & Susruta             


Year        Name    

1902      Ronald ROSS   

1905      Robert KOCH      

1951      Max THEILER       

1954      John Franklin ENDERS     



1969      Alfred D. HERSHEY             GENETIC STRUCTURE OF VIRUSES

1975      David BALTIMORE              TUMOUR VIRUSES

1975      Howard Martin TEMIN   TUMOUR VIRUSES