Dbios Physiology Charts for MBBS or MD students required by MCI approved medical Institutes in India. Also required by Homeopathic Medical colleges, homeopathy and Ayurvedic Medical Colleges. Unmatched Quality of Dbios Physiology Charts are of Size 50x65cms or can be customised as per your labs  in India is liked by number of Doctors and Professionals . For complete Physiology Charts-models visit download section


PH 1. The cell membrane

PH 2. Membrane transport-I

PH 3. Membrane transport-II

PH 4. Membrane transport-III

PH 5. Ionic Equilibria and Resting membrane Potential

PH 6. Action Potential

PH 7. Conduction Velocity

PH 8a. Signal Transduction-I

PH 8b. Signal Transduction-II


PH 9. Organization of the brain: Cerebrum

PH 10. Organization of the brain: Cell Types

PH 11. Blood – brain barrier

PH 12. Synaptic transmission: Morphology of Synapses

PH 13. Synaptic transmission: Neuromuscular Junction

PH 14. Synaptic transmission: Visceral Efferent Endings

PH 15. Synaptic transmission: Inhibitory Mechanisms

PH 16. Synaptic transmission: Chemical Synaptic Transmission

PH 17. Synaptic transmission: Temporal and Spatial Sum

PH 18. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): Brain Ventricles and CSF Composition

PH 19. Cerebrospinal fluid (CFT): Circulation of CSF

PH 20. Spinal cord: Ventral 

PH 21. Spinal cord: Membranes and Nerve Roots

PH 22. Peripheral nervous system

PH 23. Autonomic nervous system: Schema

PH 24. Autonomic nervous system: Cholinergic and Ad

PH 25. Hypothalamus

PH 26. Limbic system

PH 27. The cerebral cortex

PH 28. Descending motor pathways

PH 29. Cerebellum: Afferent Pathways

PH 30. Cerebellum: Efferent Pathways

PH 31. Cutaneous sensory receptors

PH 32. Cutaneous receptors: Pacinian Corpuscle

PH 33. Proprioception and reflex pathways-I

PH 34. Proprioception and reflex pathways-II

PH 35. Sensory pathways-I

PH 36. Sensory pathways-II

PH 37. Sensory pathways-III

PH 38. Visual system: Receptors

PH 39. Visual system: Visual Pathway

PH 40. Auditory system: Cochlea

PH 41. Auditory system: Pathways

PH 42. Vestibular system: Receptors

PH 43. Vestibular system: Vestibulospinal Tracts

PH 44. Gustatory (taste) system: Receptors

PH 45. Gustatory (taste) system: Pathways

PH 46. Olfactory system: Receptors

PH 47. Olfactory system: Pathway


PH 48. Skeletal muscle: Organization

PH 49. Skeletal muscle: Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

PH 50. Skeletal muscle: Excitation-Contraction Coupling-I

PH 51. Skeletal muscle: Excitation-Contraction Coupling-II

PH 52. Skeletal muscle: Excitation-Contraction Coupling-III

PH 53. Skeletal muscle: Length-Tension Relationship

PH 54. Cardiac muscle: Structure

PH 55. Smooth muscle: Excitation-Contraction Coupling-I

PH 56. Smooth muscle: Excitation-Contraction Coupling-II


PH 57. Overview of the Cardiovascular system

PH 58. Body Fluid Compartments

PH 59. Structure of the Heart

PH 60. Conduction System of the Heart

PH 61. Electrical Activity of the Heart

PH 62. Electrocardiogram-I

PH 63. Electrocardiogram-II

PH 64. Electrocardiogram-III

PH 65. Cardiac Cycle

PH 66. Cardiac Output: Pressure-Volume Loop

PH 67. Cardiac Output: Function Curves

PH 68. Coronary circulation

PH 69. Hemodynamics

PH 70. Arterial Pressure

PH 71. Control of arteriolar tone

PH 72. Microcirculation

PH 73. Circulation to special regions

PH 74. Monitoring of Blood pressure

PH 75. Short-Term Regulation of Blood Pressure

PH 76. Long-Term Regulation of Blood Pressure

PH 77. Response of Exercise

PH 78. Fetal circulation


PH 79. Lungs

PH 80. Airway structure: Trachea and Major Bronchi

PH 81. Airway Structure: Intrapulmonary Airways

PH 82. Airway Structure: Epithelium

PH 83. Respiratory muscles

PH 84. Lung Volumes

PH 85. Mechanics of respiration: Forces during Quiet


PH 86. Mechanics of respiration: Elastic Properties-I

PH 87. Mechanics of respiration: Elastic Properties-II

PH 88. Mechanics of respiration: Surface Forces

PH 89. Mechanics of respiration: Airway Flow

PH 90. Mechanics of respiration: Flow-Volume

PH 91. Intrapulmonary Circulation

PH 92. The alveolar capillary unit

PH 93. Pulmonary circulation

PH 94. Ventilation / perfusion

PH 95. Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

PH 96. Surfactant Effects

PH 97. O and co exchange 2 2

PH 98. O and CO exchange and transport 2 2

PH 99. O /CO exchange 2 2

PH 100. Control of respiration

PH 101. Role of the lungs in Acid-Base Balance

PH 102. Response to exercise

PH 103. Obstructive lung disease-I

PH 104. Obstructive lung disease-II

PH 105. Restrictive lung Disease

PH 106. Pulmonary Function Testing-I

PH 107. Pulmonary Function Testing-II


PH 108. Anatomy of the kidney

PH 109. Anatomy of the kidney: The Nephron

PH 110. Glomerular Structure

PH 111. Glomerular Filtration

PH 112. Renal Clearance

PH 113. Na+ reabsorption

PH 114. ADH Secretion and Action

PH 115. Urine Concentration

PH 116. Urine Dilution

PH 117. Renin – angiotensin – aldosterone system

PH 118. Response to increased ECF

PH 119. Response to Decreased ECF

PH 120. Potassium excretion

PH 121. Calcium and phosphate

PH 122. Renal HCO – Reabsorption 3

PH 123. Renal Production of New HCO3

PH 124. Esophagus


PH 125. Gastroesophageal Junction

PH 126. Lower Esophageal Sphincter-

PH 127. Enteric Nervous System

PH 128. Autonomic Innervation-I

PH 129. Autonomic Innervation-II

PH 130. Autonomic and Enteric Integration

PH 131. Motility

PH 132. Major GI Hormones

PH 133. Structure of Stomach

PH 134. Appetite and Hunger

PH 135. Gastric Motility

PH 136. Gastric Digestion

PH 137. Gastric Secretion-I

PH 138. Gastric Secretion-II

PH 139. Gastric Secretion-III

PH 140. Small Intestine Structure-I

PH 141. Small Intestine Structure-II

PH 142. Small Intestine Structure-III

PH 143. Small Intestine Motility

PH 144. Large Intestine Structure

PH 146. Colonic Motility

PH 147. Defecation

PH 148. Salivary Gland Structure

PH 149. Salivary Gland Secretion

PH 150. Pancreas Structure

PH 151. Pancreas Secretion

PH 152. Liver Structure

PH 153. Liver Ultra structure

PH 154. Intrahepatic Biliary System

PH 155. Liver Function

PH 156. Bilirubin Excretion

PH 157. Gallbladder Structure and Function

PH 158. Overview of GI Tract Fluid and Electrolyte


PH 159. Digestion of Protein

PH 160. Digestion of Carbohydrates

PH 161. Digestion of Fat

PH 162. Absorption of Essential Elements and Vitamins


PH 163. Overview of Hormone Action

PH 164. Regulation of Hormone Secretion

PH 165. Hypothalamus and Pituitary

PH 166. Anterior Pituitary

PH 167. Posterior Pituitary: Oxytocin

PH 168. Posterior Pituitary: ADH

PH 169. Growth Hormone

PH 170. Thyroid Gland: Structure

PH 171. Thyroid Gland: Function

PH 172. Thyroid Gland: Hormone Action

PH 173. Adrenal Gland: Structure

PH 174. Adrenal Gland: Histology

PH 175. Adrenal Cortical Hormones

PH 176. Cortisol

PH 177. Adrenal Androgens

PH 178. Aldosterone

PH 179. Adrenal Medulla

PH 180. Endocrine Pancreas

PH 181. Insulin Secretion

PH 182. Actions of Insulin

PH 183. Actions of Glucagon

PH 184. Parathyroid Gland

PH 185. Gonad and Genital Duct Formation

PH 186. Development of the External Genitalia

PH 187. Puberty

PH 188. Testes

PH 189. The Menstrual Cycle

PH 190. Hormonal Regulation of the Menstrual Cycle

PH 191. Prolactin