Dbios Xclusive manufacturing of Agriculture or animal husbanday charts 

CH 1701 Composition of rations for layers at different age groups

CH 1702 Vaccinations schedule for dairy animals

CH 1703 Dairy cattle shed map for10 buffaloes/cows & their calves

CH 1704 Composition of rations for different classes of pigs

CH 1705 Oestrous cycle for different categories of animals

CH 1706 Composition of concentrate mixture according to level of milk production

CH 1707 Composition of mineral mixture (without salt) for dairy animals

CH 1708 Composition of Broiler Ration

CH 1709 Food Habits of Birds

CH 1710 Food Habits of Animals

CH 1711 Different Breeds of Cows

CH 1712 Different Breeds of Buffalo

CH 1713 Appliances of Handling Animals

CH 1714 Casting of Farm Animals

CH 1715 Methods of Identification

CH 1716 Disbudding & Dehorning

CH 1717 Methods of Milking & Cross Section of Cow’s Udder

CH 1718 Poultry Farm Equipments

CH 1719 Poultry House

CH 1720 Parts of Chicken & their Combs

CH 1721 Body Parts of Duck & Turkey

CH 1722 Body Parts of Pig

CH 1723 Body Parts of Sheep

CH 1724 Body Parts of Cow 

CH 1736 Cereal, Pulses and Oil Seed Crops

CH 1737 Crops Rabi, Kharif And Summer

CH 1738 Different Implements or Cultivation of Field

CH 1739 Different Propagation Method

CH 1740 Fruits, Vegetables and Flower Crops

CH 1741 Irrigation System

CH 1742 Mendelian Genetics Monohybrid and Dihybrid Cross

CH 1743 Meteorological Instrument

CH 1744 Plant Diseases

CH 1745 Surveying and Leveling Instrument

CH 1746 Tools and Implemetnsfor Horticultural Crops
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