Dbios Histological Poster /Charts are available for Medical , Dental, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Colleges through out the world. These charts are ready in three formats Size : 500x650mm Laminated & Attached with Strips OR Laminated and Framed on Board OR
Big charts laminated and attached with rollers (size 750x1000mm). For complete list visit download section and Histology charts download section
We are manufacturers of all kind of Educational Posters and Charts. All posters from Medical Colleges to Technical Institutes.

Rarest Collection of Histological Overview

HO 01 Composite Illustration of A Cell And Its Cytoplasmic organelles

HO 02 Different Types of Epithelia In Selected organs

HO 03 Composite Illustration of Loose Connective Tissue with Its Predominant Cells and Fibers

HO 04 Endochondral ossification, Illustrating the Progressive Stages of Bone Formation(from Cartilage Model to Bone) and Including the Histology of A Section of Formed Bone

HO 05 Differentiation of A Pluripotential Hemopoietic Stem Into the Myeloid Stem Cell Line and Lymphoid Stem Cell Line During Hemopoiesis 

HO 06 Microscopic Illustrations of the Three Types of Muscles: Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth

HO 07 The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. A section of the brain and spinal cord is illustrated here with their protective connective tissue layers called meninges (dura mater, arachoid, and pia mater)

HO 08 The peripheral nervous system is composed of the cranial and spinal nerves. A cross – section of the spinal cord is illustrated here with the characteristic features of the motor neuron and a cross-section of a peripheral nerve. Also illustrated are types of neurons located in different ganglia and organs outside of the central nervous system

HO 09 Comparison (transverse sections) of a muscular artery, large vein, and the three types of capillaries

HO 10 Location and distribution of the lymphoid organs and lymphatic channels in the body. Internal contents of the lymph node and spleen are illustrated in greater detail

HO 11 Comparison between thin skin in the arm and thick skin in the palm, including contents of the connective tissue dermis

HS 01 Simple Squamous Epithelium: Peritoneal Mesothelium Surrounding Small Intestine Different Epithelial Types In the Kidney Cortex

HS 02 Simple Columnar Epithelium : Stomach Surface

HS 03 Simple Columnar Epithelium on Villi in Small Intestine : cells with Striated Borders(Microvilli) and Goblet Cells

HS 04 Pseudostratified Columnar Ciliated Epithelium: Respiratoy Passages (Trachea)

HS 05 Transitional Epithelium: Bladder (contracted)

HS 06 Stratified Squamous Nonkeratinized Epithelium: Esophagus & Keratinized Epithelium: Palm of the Hand

HS 07 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium: Excretory Duct In Salivary Gland Glandular Tissue

HS 08 Unbranched Simple Tubular Exocrine glands: intestinal glands Simple Branched Tubular Exocrine Glands: Gastric Glands

HS 09 Coiled Tubular Exocrine Glands: Sweat Glands & Compound Acinar (exocrine) Gland: Mammary Gland Connective Tissue

HS 10 Loose Connective Tissue

HS 11 Individual Cells of Connective Tissue

HS 12 Loose Connective Tissue & Dense Irregular and Loose Irregular Connective Tissue (Elastin Stain)

HS 13 Loose Irregular and Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Dense Irregular Connective Tissue and Adipose Tissue

HS 86 Ovary: Dog (panoramic View)

HS 87 Ovary: Ovarian Cortex and Primary and Primordial Follicles

HS 88 Uterine Tube:ampulla (panoramic View, Transverse Section) Uterine Tube: mucosal Folds (early Proliferative Phase)

HS 89 Uterus: Proliferative (follicular) Phase

HS 90 Uterus:secretory (luteal) Phase

HS 91 Uterus:menstrual Phase

Cervix, Vagina, Placenta, and Mammary Glands

HS 92 Vagina (longitudinal Section)

Glycogen In Human Vaginal Epithelium

HS 93 Vagina: Surface Epithelium Placenta At 5 (panoramic View)

HS 94 Inactive Mammary Gland Mammary Gland During Proliferation and Early Pregnancy Organs of Special Senses

HS 95 Eyelid (Sagittal Section)

HS 96 Lacrimal Gland & Cornea (Transverse Section)

HS 97 Whole Eye (Sagittal Section) & Retina,choroid, and Sclera (panoramic View)

HS 98 Layers of the Choroid and Retina (detail) & Eye: Layers of Retina and Choroid

HS 99 Inner Ear: Cochlear Duct (scala Media) & Inner Ear; Cochlear Duct and the Organ of Corti